Comment préparer son premier trail : conseils et astuces
Le trail est une activité physique exigeante qui nécessite une préparation physique et mentale adéquate. Si vous êtes débutant en trail et que vous souhaitez vous lancer dans cette aventure, voici ...

10 reasons to practice running regularly
10 reasons to practice running regularly

Managing your carbohydrate intake while trail running
It is well known that carbohydrate is THE nutrient for athletes, the more I take, the more energy I will have! Nope ? Well, like everything in nutrition, it depends on the context! We cover it all ...

Hydration tips for trail running
1% dehydration = 10% loss of performance. And yes it's no joke. You already know that drinking is important. And on a big outing or competition at over 25°C, you very quickly lose 1 to 1.5 liters o...

Frozen Camelbak Pipe: Tips and Tricks
This winter, you will take part in magnificent white trails, and you are right! Only problem: the temperature will fall below zero and at this level, the tip of your Camelback which is in the open ...

The SaintéLyon has the gift of surprising us year after year. Here are 4 tips for success.

Used for centuries to improve sports performance, training on an empty stomach or also called "carb-loading" can be suitable for all endurance sports sessions.

Bio-based fibers are bioplastics. They are made with vegetals (castor oil, wheat, corn, potato etc.). They can even present sports performance superior to synthetic fibers.

New Verjari packaging biodegradable in hot water
The new Verjari packaging is biodegradable in hot water. Upon receipt of the product, simply put the packaging in boiling water to make it disappear. It helps to limit plastic pollution in the envi...

A unique textile performance : the Polycolon® Schoeller® fiber floats on water
Polycolon® is a high performance technical textile fiber developed by Schoeller® in Switzerland. This fiber is used for the Airpocket Verjari underlay. It is one of the lightest functional fibers i...

S.Café® P4DRY Technology - From Coffee grounds
S.Café® P4DRY technology is a textile printing technology made from recycled coffee grounds. It is used for the S-Café P4DRY Verjari jacket. This technology has won several innovation awards around...

The main natural fibers are cotton, linen, silk, wool. We can also cite hemp or cashmere. They are therefore of plant (like cotton) or animal (like wool) origin.